Skipping Meals Is One of the Worst Things for Your Mental Health. What to Know

We have all been there. A full day of errands slips by and we forget to eat. Or we intentionally skip mealtimes to try to lose weight. Whatever the reason, skipping meals may be damaging your body and mind more than you realize. Let’s talk about the reasons why not eating could harm your mental well-being.

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5 reasons why skipping meals harms your mental health

Our nutrition affects much more than our physical body. Research shows that Skipping meals is related to anxiety. and symptoms of depression in older adults. Here are common reasons why skipping meals can be detrimental to your mental health.

affect your mood

According to the University of Michigan School of Public Health, skipping a meal can make your blood sugar to crash and cause mood swings. another study published by Cambridge University Press showed that people who skipped meals were more likely to develop mood disorders. Specifically, the study suggests that delaying breakfast can have serious long-term mood consequences. Eating regularly throughout the day is generally better for your mood than skipping your first meal to reduce your caloric intake or speed up your morning routine.

Could reduce your ability to concentrate

Your brain requires calories to function well. As Western Oregon University points out, the the brain uses 20% of the calories you eat each day, even though it only represents 2% of your body weight. When you don’t eat enough, cognitive functions ranging from attention to problem solving start to suffer Your ability to concentrate can also be affected by skipping meals.

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signs of a lack of concentration It can include feeling like you have “brain fog,” losing your short-term memory skills, having trouble remembering where things are, and an inability to complete tasks within a normal time frame. Eating regularly can help him avoid an afternoon slump and stay focused on the tasks at hand.

Increased symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Skipping meals can be a anxiety trigger and other mental health problems. In a study of adolescents, the researchers found that young people who skipped breakfast were more likely to experience stress and depressed moods. While skipping a single meal is unlikely to cause long-term problems, food and depression may be linked if you’re in the habit of skipping meals.

Not eating enough can also cause anxiety. another study found that 62% of people who were identified as crash dieters had depression and anxiety. If you’re cutting calories for other health benefits, be sure to eat enough to give your body a steady stream of the nutrients it needs.

Man sitting at the kitchen table with his hands on his face showing anguish.

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It could lead to disordered eating.

Skipping breakfast from time to time does not mean that you have an eating disorder or that you will develop one. However, repeatedly skipping meals on purpose may increase the risk of develop an eating disorder. According to better helpIf you start looking for reasons to skip a meal, you may want to talk to a mental health professional.

People who skip too many meals may be at risk of anorexycharacterized by eating as little as possible, or orthorexia, which means creating strict eating rules for yourself. Consider talking to a professional and limit triggers like social mediawhich could be compounding your negative thoughts about eating and body size.

Tips for not skipping meals

It can be challenging to eat on a strict schedule when life is so unpredictable. However, it’s important to know that you deserve to eat, no matter what, and that your body needs fuel to function properly. Let’s talk about some ways to prioritize food so you’re less likely to skip meals and experience brain fog, anxiety, and other side effects.

  • Plan your meals in advance: If convenience is keeping you from eating lunch every day, a meal preparation schedule can help. You can start by making enough Sunday night food for lunch all week. Or make a schedule for the days you will eat at home and the days you will eat out. This takes some of the stress out of planning meals on the same day.
  • Keep snacks around: Try to keep protein bars or snacks on hand. While snacks aren’t exactly the same as a meal, they can get you through until your next meal.
  • Set a timer on your phone: When in doubt, keep it simple. Set a timer on your phone that reminds you to eat every three to four hours. Over time, your body will begin to remind you when mealtime is just around the corner. You can adjust the timers as needed based on your daily schedule.
  • Simplify meals: Speaking of simple, you don’t have to be a gourmet chef every night of the week. You may be skipping meals because the thought of preparing food is too overwhelming. You can start with simple one-pot recipes.
  • Have a responsible partner: It may help to find a friend or family member to lean on. Have your spouse or friend text you around noon to see if you had lunch. When we feel accountable to an outside source, we can often motivate ourselves to change a bad habit better than when we’re working on it alone.
  • make cook fun: Sometimes we see cooking as a daunting task, but there are ways to make it more enjoyable. You can play your favorite music while you prepare your favorite dish. If you have a partner, you can turn it into a date night.
  • Sign up for a meal kit delivery Service: If cooking is not your thing or you don’t have time. A meal kit delivery service is a great way to have tasty and nutritious meals delivered right to your door.

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The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended to be health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified healthcare provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or healthcare goals.

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