Smaller babies more likely to develop mental health problems in the future

Dublin, Ireland – Researchers have discovered a new way to identify people at risk for future mental health conditions: birth weight. In their latest study, scientists in Ireland found that babies born with a normal birth weight have fewer mental health and behavioral problems during childhood and adolescence than those who are underweight.

“We have known for many years that low birth weight and premature birth are linked to an increased risk of mental illness in the child,” explains lead author Mary Cannon, professor of psychiatric epidemiology and juvenile mental health at RCSI, in a Article. college throw. “What this study shows is that even small deviations from typical birth weight could also be relevant.”

The findings come from birth weight data on thousands of children in Ireland. The researchers followed these children through childhood and early adolescence. The Growing Up in Ireland study made this possible, as it is an ongoing review of children born between 1997 and 1998.

For every 2.2 pounds (one kilogram) below the average birth weight babies weighing 7 pounds to 11 ounces, there were more cases of mental health problems throughout childhood and adolescence. Also, those with low birth weight continued to have this problem after childhood, from ages 9 to 17. The most commonly reported problems included inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity, and behaviors associated with ADHD.

For every 2.2-pound drop below average birth weight, there was a two percent increase in ADHD-like behaviors. However, the team notes that this increased risk was not enough to give the children a formal diagnosis of ADHD. Low birth weight also showed a connection to emotional and social problems, especially in adolescents. These topics are more likely to bring people closer to a diagnosis of depression or anxiety.

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“This relationship between birth weight and child mental health persists even after accounting for factors that might influence both birth weight and mental health, such as gender, socioeconomic factors, and parental history of mental illness”, notes lead author Niamh Dooley, a doctoral student at the RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences. “The effect of birth weight on later mental health is likely to be small, but could interact with other risks such as genetics and childhood stress, and have implications for understanding the origins of mental health and ill health.”

The results suggest that mothers-to-be should follow good perinatal care and closely monitor their health during pregnancy to increase the chances of a healthy birth weight. For example, a separate study from the group found that birth weight and showing signs of ADHD have a connection to drug behavior during pregnancy, whether it be smoking, drinking alcohol or using drugs without a prescription.

For children already born with low birth weight, the study authors say they would benefit from early interventions focused on managing mental health symptoms and potentially preventing more serious illness later in life.

the to study is published in the magazine European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

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