Spinal Pain Exercises: 3 Doctor-Approved Easy Exercises to Relieve Pain in Spine And Other Related Problems

Spine-related problems are also known as spinal stenosis, which includes injuries or any other type of problem that affects the spine. Some of the symptoms of spinal-related problems are lower back pain, numbness, and tingling sensations. The most common causes of these spinal problems are car accidents, falls, acts of violence, sports and recreational injuries, etc. Listed below are some of the common exercises to reduce spinal related problems:


1. Back flexion exercise: In the backbend exercise, you should first pull both knees toward your chest and push your head forward while lying on your back until the person feels a gentle stretch. This will stretch your lower back as well as your neck.

This exercise is a very easy way to improve lumbar mobility and reduce any type of spine-related problem. It is a safe exercise to practice as one can even do this exercise lying down and does not have to strain the back too much.

2. Knee to Chest Stretch: In the knee-to-chest stretch, the person should first lie back on a balanced platform with their heels flat on the floor, slowly pulling one knee toward their chest until the lower back begins to stretch. Bring the knee as close to the chest as the person can comfortably.

Primarily, the knee and chest stretch exercise targets the muscles of the lower back. If the person has osteoporosis, that person should avoid this stretch because it can increase the risk of vertebral compression fractures.

    Knee-to-chest stretch (Source: Freepik)

Knee-to-chest stretch (Source: Freepik)

3. Hip stretch: To do the hip stretch exercise first, you need to kneel on your right knee and then put your left foot on the ground, at the same time your left knee should be at a 90-degree angle. Bring your hips forward. Hold the position for 30 seconds. Repeat the same 5 times with each leg and try to increase the stretch each time. The hip stretch exercise helps reduce persistent pain in any part of the body.

Hip stretch (Source: Freepik)

Hip stretch (Source: Freepik)

So if people are facing any kind of problems related to the spine, exercises that are best to avoid that and back bending, knee to chest stretching and hip stretching exercises. Stretching is a great way to keep your spine aligned and your back relaxed.

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(With contributions from Dr Subodh Shetty, Spine Specialist and Orthopedic Surgeon, Apollo Spectra Hospital, Bangalore)

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