Sprouts For Weight Loss, And 4 Other Reasons to Make it Your go-to Snack

A bowl full of sprouts can work wonders when eaten as a snack to satisfy those food cravings.

A plate full of cabbages is a healthy snack (Pixabay)

Food cravings are something we’ve all been victims of. And more often than not, to satiate those cravings and our taste buds, we cling to or overeat foods that we probably could have avoided. Are you someone who likes snacking more than eating a big round of meals? Then you must have also faced those cravings. But always giving in to your cravings makes it an unhealthy practice. While eating more in intervals is considered a healthier way, what we eat during that time is important.

So when you’re confused about what qualifies as a healthy snack, just grab a plate full of chana sprouts. Wondering why specifically the breakouts? Here are 6 reasons why this may be your favorite food.

6 benefits of sprouts

  1. Weightloss – Sprouts are a good snack to eat when you are on a weight loss regimen. They are high in fiber and low in calories. Therefore, it is a good superfood that can help shed that extra fat.
  2. Improves cardiovascular health – Black chickpeas contain a unique combination of antioxidants, anthocyanins, delphindin, cyanidin and petunidin, as well as phytonutrients and ALA that maintain blood vessel health and prevent oxidative stress, reducing the risk of heart disease.
  3. Supports healthy hair – Chana sprouts have essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin A, B6, zinc and manganese, which will surely help you if you are concerned about the health of your hair.
  4. Regulates sugar levels – The complex carbohydrates in sprouted chana are digested slowly and the soluble fiber regulates the absorption of sugars into the blood. Low glycemic index prevents blood sugar spikes, keeps you full for longer hours and prevents hunger pangs.
  5. Elevates brain functions: Sprouted Chana is packed with vitamin B6, that is, pyridoxine, as well as choline. These confer splendid wellness incentives to promote the transmission of signals to and from the brain through the nerves and increase memory, mood and concentration.
  6. Good for digestion – Poured-over greens are more likely to have a higher soluble fiber content that helps with digestion. Chana sports are packed with nutrients and highly soluble, which improves the digestive process.
  5 High-protein, low cal snacks you can munch on to beat hunger pangs

So next time your stomach growls with a craving, grab a bowl of sprouts to the rescue!

Published Date: May 29, 2023 9:42 AM IST




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