Squat Fat Burn: How many calories do squats burn?

squats they are a simple exercise that anyone can do inside or outside their home. They work the leg muscles and can help increase overall strength, balance, and flexibility.

You may not notice people squatting while doing everyday activities, such as playing with children or lifting boxes.

How many calories do you burn doing squats?

One squat, at moderate intensity, equals 0.32 calories, so you’ll burn about eight calories per minute when you squat at normal intensity.

The average amount of squats in one minute there are 25, therefore, 100 squats will be equivalent to 32 calories burned.

Someone who weighs 160 pounds burns approximately 419 kilocalories per hour doing squats.

How to do a squat correctly?

  • Take a wide stance (approximately shoulder-width apart)
  • Put your hands in front of you for balance
  • Sit as if you were sitting in a chair, keeping your feet flat on the floor and your knees behind your toes.
  • When sitting, keep your chest up and your head facing forward.

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