Starting exercise is causing back pain, so get relief from these measures

Home Remedies For Back Pain: Nowadays back pain has become a common problem. Working in one place for hours in the office causes back pain. Sometimes the pain increases due to wrong posture and sitting for a long time. Pain can also occur if you have had a sudden jerk in the waist or have done any weight-bearing work.

Apart from this, if you have started exercising recently, then even this starts causing back pain in the beginning. Sometimes there is such a severe pain in the waist that it is difficult to get up, sit and lie down. In such a situation, I do not understand how to get relief from pain. Today we are telling you some home remedies to get relief from back pain. You will get a lot of relief from them even without medicine.

  • get a massage- Massage is a panacea to cure back pain. If you have a sitting job, then sitting for a long time can cause shoulder and back pain. In such a situation, you should definitely get a massage 1-2 days a week. You put fenugreek seeds in mustard oil and heat it. Now massage your waist with this lukewarm oil. This will give great relief in pain.
  • teach- If the pain is very severe then you can also compress. If you want, you can compress with an ice pack or you can also compress it with warm water. While taking a bath, you can also alternate with cold and hot water.
  • Walk- If you have back pain due to sitting job, then walk regularly for a while. Do not sit in the office for a long time together. Get up in between and keep walking. During work, take a break of 5 minutes every hour and do some stretching. This will give you relief in back pain.
  • do the exercise- If you have just started exercising and have back pain, then do it regularly. Even if you exercise only for a while, but do not break the routine. After 2-4 days you will get relief on your own.
  • Do yoga- If you exercise for fitness, then do 2-3 exercises to cure back pain. You can do yoga to cure back pain. For this do Bhujangasana. This will give relief in back pain. Apart from this, you can also do Cobra Pose, Makarasana.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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