Stay in the fat-burning zone with methods to make weight loss easier

with any weightloss travel, getting in shape to lose weight can be daunting. But luckily there are ways to do it, which means people don’t have to do it alone and can make losing weight more enjoyable.

Dean Zweck, Product Development Manager at overall fitnessrevealed aptitude should be considered “a form of celebration”.

Physical activity affects people’s physical, mental and social well-being in many ways and it is important that they ensure that they participate in regular activity.

Current guidelines state that adults need 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week and two days of activity to strengthen muscles.

But while 150 minutes a week sounds like a lot, people don’t have to do it all at once.

Dean suggested some things people can do if they are just starting out or have hit a wall with their weight loss and fitness.

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He said: “Whether you believe it or not, fitness brings us together and brings people and communities together.

“And while our goals and motivations for exercise may differ, everyone is here to take advantage of the many benefits it has to offer, whether it’s building muscle, toning or a chance to socialize.”

With so many different ways to exercise, it can turn people off, making them feel embarrassed or intimidated.

Dean said “sometimes it’s easier to stick with what you know,” but with so much available in today’s fast-paced environment, there’s usually something for everyone.

He offered five exercise tips to help people across the country mix up their exercise routines and try something new to jumpstart their weight loss and reach their goals.

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don’t do it alone

Losing weight can be a lonely journey, but doing it together with like-minded people can make it more enjoyable.

Some studies have shown that exercising and dieting with a friend is the “key” to not losing weight.

Dean agreed, saying, “Encourage one of your friends to come over and exercise with you if you tend to exercise alone or have difficulty exercising, as a partner can always help keep you motivated.”

get tips

It can be embarrassing to ask for help at the best of times and in a gym setting this can lead to bullying when a person is not sure how the equipment works or how to do a certain exercise correctly.

Personal trainers help people improve their life goals by keeping their clients safe in the gym and holding them accountable.

Often regarded as an “investment in oneself”, Dean encouraged people to ask for advice.

He said: “Talk to a trainer at your gym and ask for advice on how to use equipment you haven’t tried before but have always wanted.”

try something new

This can always be daunting at first, but it could also be a good way to achieve set weight loss and fitness goals.

“Make the most of the facilities you have in your local community and enjoy exercising on the busiest day of the year,” said Dean.

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“Break down those barriers to something you’ve always wanted to try!”

He recommended using swimming pools at local gyms, as it’s considered one of the “most effective” cardiovascular methods for weight loss, including burning abdominal fat.

Research has found that swimming at a moderate pace for 30 minutes burns around 250 calories.

To burn as much fat as possible, people are advised to keep their heart rate in the fat burning zone.

This depends on the individual: A person’s fat-burning heart rate is about 70 percent of their maximum heart rate, which you get by subtracting your age from 220.

And Dean is in favor of swimming to keep people fit, urging, “Go swimming if you’re not a regular swimmer, as this form of exercise has many benefits.”


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