Stiffness in the body…pain in the joints! Has your ESR level increased, know everything about it

High Esr Symptoms: If you are also suffering from joint pain, body stiffness, headache and fever, then do not ignore it as a seasonal disease. Such a situation also occurs when the level of ESR in the body increases. ESR stands for Erythrocyte Site Sedimentation Rate. Please tell that ESR is a type of blood test. When the ESR test is done, its result is more or less visible, that is, people in whom this ESR is normal are fine, but people whose ESR is increased, they have health problems. There may be related problems. Let us know what can be the problem due to high ESR level.

Meaning of ESR test?

Let us tell you that the ESR test is like any other blood test. With this test, it is known that in how long the red blood cells get frozen under the test tube of the blood sample that has been taken. Normally the red blood cell sinks slowly on the test tube. But when you have a number of health problems, red blood cells stick together and sink faster in a test tube. This condition can cause inflammation or cell damage. The faster the red blood cells Drowns. Higher the level of ESR, in this case a doctor should be consulted immediately. This can happen due to some disease in the body.

Symptoms of increased ESR

  • Joint pain
  • body stiffness
  • severe headache
  • weight loss
  • shoulder and neck pain
  • constipation and diarrhea
  • Fever
  • blood in stool
  • loss of appetite
  • low hemoglobin levels
  • Swelling
  • Restlessness

Know the reasons for increasing ESR

  • artery disease
  • gout
  • Systematic Vasculitic
  • kidney disease
  • infection

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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