Stomach heat increases due to excessive intake of these things in summer… get relief from this home remedy

Causes Of Stomach Heat: Often, as soon as the summer comes, people start having problems related to the stomach. Have you ever wondered why this happens? As soon as the heat comes, problems like burning sensation, swelling, pain, indigestion, acidity start happening in the stomach. Actually this happens when we eat something wrong. This increases the amount of acid in the stomach and due to this all these problems occur. The increased heat of the stomach can also affect your overall health. Let us know what is the reason for the increase in stomach heat and what measures can be adopted to deal with it.

Due to increase in stomach heat

  • eating spicy food
  • drinking very little water
  • eating a lot of non veg
  • drinking and smoking
  • taking high potency drugs
  • go hungry for a long time
  • excessive consumption of tea and coffee
  • Eating oily and junk food
  • Combination with wrong food items.

how to get rid of stomach heat

Mint waterMint water helps in keeping the stomach cool. It reduces the amount of acid produced in the stomach. Mint has antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and many medicinal properties, due to which there is no burning sensation in the stomach and it also reduces the swelling of the stomach. It strengthens the digestive system

Fennel water- Fennel has a cooling effect, which can prove to be helpful in calming the heat of the stomach. Consume fennel after having food. Due to this, there will be no problem of burning and gas or you can wake up in the morning and drink fennel water instead of tea.

Cardamom- The effect of cardamom is also cool. You can consume it to calm the burning sensation of the stomach. This also removes acidity.

Curd- You can also consume curd to calm the heat of the stomach. It is rich in probiotics which keep your gut healthy. Corrects the digestive system.

Aloe Vera-Stomach heat can also be calmed with aloe vera. For this, fresh leaves of aloe vera can be used. You can make its juice and drink it. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties present in it can calm the heat of the stomach.

Fenugreek- Fenugreek can also prove to be helpful in calming the heat of the stomach. To prepare fenugreek water, put fenugreek in a glass of water and leave it for a few hours. Now mix honey in this water and drink it.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

read this also: Be careful… Do not drink cold water in summer, otherwise these 6 diseases will affect your body

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