Stop Wasting Money on Energy Gels and Make Your Own


you can make your own energy barsprotein shakes and even dehydrated food—but what about energy gels? Although it may sound daunting, making your own gels is not only cheaper (most commercial gels cost upwards of $1.50), but the process is as easy and customizable as making a smoothie.

When you need a gel

In choosing a gel, Kylee Van Horn, registered dietitian, running coach, and founder of FlyNutrition in Carbondale, Colorado, recommends first considering the duration and intensity of your activity. Energy gels aren’t necessary for every workout: Van Horn’s threshold is 90 minutes; your pre-workout nutrition should help you if it’s less than that. When you hit the 90-minute mark, Van Horn’s rule of thumb is one gel every 30 to 45 minutes, aiming for a total of at least 200 calories per hour. (You can also take a gel before you start if you don’t eat before.)

What to put in your gels

Higher intensity workouts require gels that come predominantly from carbohydrates, while lower intensities allow you to better tolerate fat and protein. Also, be aware of the texture of the gel – thicker consistencies tend to be easier for slower clips to absorb. And if you’re going to be exercising for very long periods, be prepared for the possibility of palate fatigue, the feeling of not being able to swallow one more bite of X, incorporating multiple flavor combinations into your fueling plane.

Next, Van Horn suggests paying attention to the type of sugar in your gel, as studies show that a combination of fructose (common sources include fruit and honey) and glucose (found in starchy foods like rice, oatmeal, and bread) can help increase endurance performance during moderate- to moderate-intensity workouts. high and also speed up recovery on the back-end. Sugar alcohols, on the other hand, which appear on ingredient lists with names like sorbitol, erythritol, and xylitol, are common sources of GI upset, so they’re best avoided in gels and other mid-exercise nutrients.

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Lastly, Van Horn says to look at the sodium and caffeine content of your gel. Although the rate of sweating and the sodium content of sweat vary from person to person, if you exercise long enough to need a gel, you’ll likely benefit from a little extra sodium. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends starting with a sodium intake of 1.7 to 2.9 grams of salt during prolonged periods of exercise and adjusting from there if necessary. (All of Van Horn’s gel recipes, which make two to three servings, call for between a pinch and ¼ teaspoon of salt.) caffeineAlthough not essential in a gel, it is at least worth considering, as studies show that endurance athletes may derive the most performance-enhancing benefits from caffeine due to their high levels of fatigue. Most commercial caffeinated gels include doses ranging from 25 milligrams to 100 milligrams.

How to make your own

While Van Horn appreciates the convenience of store-bought gels, her favorites are real food blends from spring energy Y muir energyand packets of pure maple syrup by Untapped–has had success making it with common ingredients like bananas, sweet potatoes, peanut butter, dates, and salt. She likes that she has more control over what goes into homemade gels, which is especially good for people with food allergies or sensitivities. Homemade versions also eliminate the need for single-use packets if you use a refillable bottle (such as East of Gu).

Just be careful not to include too much fat (from sources like nuts, oils, and avocados), fiber (which is rich in most vegetables), or fructose (found in fruit, honey, and agave nectar), all which have the potential to cause gastrointestinal problems, in their gels. Van Horn also stresses that it’s important to store them properly to prevent spoilage if perishable ingredients are used. (Their recipes last up to three days in the refrigerator.) Lastly, as with everything you do on race day, you should experiment with homemade gels in training before taking them out in a competition.

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