Study finds positive mental health effect of green outdoors during pandemic | News – Times of India Videos

March 08, 2022, 08:34 pm ISTSource: AND ME

Research has found some positive impacts of the green environment on people’s mental health. The study found that people exposed to more green spaces during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic reported significantly less depression and anxiety. The study also found that at a time when mental health problems were skyrocketing due to financial woes, supply shortages and nonstop news coverage of the virus, people sought solace outdoors. People who spent a lot of time surfing the Internet watching the news reported worse mental health. To get the most benefit from nearby green spaces, the study found, people had to get out and use them. During the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, mental health issues skyrocketed due to limited access to green surroundings due to the closure of parks and playgrounds.

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