Study Reveals How Many Steps You Should Walk a Day To Stay Healthy

Photo: Andrew Lozovyi/Depositphotos

Do you move at every opportunity, or are you more of a couch potato? Many of us sit for long periods at work or enjoy a good Netflix binge in our downtime. But, all of this means that we don’t move as much as we should for optimum Health. A new study published in jama international medicine confirms that the more you walk, the lower the risk of cancer and other conditions. Quality is also important. The higher the intensity of the steps, the better the overall benefits of the step. exercise.

However, there is a caveat. The benefits of walking seem to level off once you’ve taken about 10,000 steps. So should we aim to walk this amount every day?

If you have a watch that doubles as a step counter, it may already be tracking your miles. Apparently this also offers very clear guidance; If you take your 10,000 steps, you’re on the path to health and happiness, right? But our bodies are not perfect machines, and we have to deal with the complexities of genetics and other lifestyle factors. Also, it’s not as simple as if your health drops with any step below 10,000, or above that number, your health and wellness curve keeps rising.

The general consensus is that ultimately keeping the step count is better for the body. The same study found that people who take 10,000 steps have a lower risk of cancer than those who take 8,000 and a lower risk than those who take 6,000. But step counts above 10,000 have a similar health risk and benefit as reaching it, so you don’t have to push yourself to do much more than that.

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A peer study We find that our risk of dementia it also decreases the more steps we take each day. People who took 3,800 steps had about half the reduced risk of dementia as people who took 9,800 steps. For those who are too comfortable on the couch, even the lowest number would be a great step count to start with.

Middle-aged and older people have been shown to reduce their chances of premature death by counting steps daily. elderly women those who take 4,400 steps a day are better than those who take 2,700 a day, and more is even better. Middle-aged people who take more than 7,000 steps have a 50% to 70% lower risk of death, compared to people who take fewer than 7,000 steps a day. And if you want to reduce your chances of diabetes or stiff joints, similar results were shown for reducing both by increasing your step count each day.

So make sure you get up and take breaks throughout the day, even if it means walking to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. It’s not just the 30-minute scheduled exercise routine that keeps us healthy. As science has shown, it’s every step that counts.

A new study confirms that the more you walk, the better it is for your health, although the benefits level off at around 10,000 steps a day.

Study reveals how many steps you should take each day to stay healthyStudy reveals how many steps you should take each day to stay healthy

Photo: HayDmitriy/Depositphotos

Walking up to 10,000 steps a day also reduces the chances of dementia and stiff joints and is great for increasing health and longevity in middle-aged and elderly people.

Study reveals how many steps you should take each day to stay healthyStudy reveals how many steps you should take each day to stay healthy

Photos: olechowski/Depositphotos

h/t: [Lifehacker]

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