Suffering from bleeding gums or hair loss? Know 5 signs of vitamin deficiency

How does your body work? Well, it’s all with the help of vitamins and minerals. Our body needs certain vitamins on a daily basis to function properly. And if we don’t meet these requirements with the right kind of food, then a vitamin deficiency is created, which can lead to various problems. Let’s look at the 5 signs of vitamin deficiency and ways to treat it.

vitamin deficiencies could be the result of poor nutritional intake. An insufficient supply or deficiency of vital nutrients in your diet due to an unhealthy and unbalanced diet is known as a nutritional deficiency. Your outer appearance is a reflection of your inner being! You can’t see what’s going on inside your body, but you can understand the signals your body is trying to show you. And those signs include brittle nails, hair loss, bleeding gums, and others. However, vitamin deficiency alone is not responsible for these signs, other deficiencies can also cause these problems.

Signs of vitamin deficiency.

Health Shots contacted nutritionist Avni Kaul to learn the signs of nutritional deficiency and ways to treat them.

1. Bleeding gums

Vitamin C deficiency causes bleeding gums. This vitamin also has a role in wound healing and immunity. It also helps prevent cell damage. You should include foods rich in vitamin C like oranges, strawberries, cabbage, tomatoes, etc. to prevent deficiency.

Make sure you keep your gums healthy by getting enough vitamin C Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

2. Brittle hair and nails

It occurs due to a deficiency of vitamin B7, which is also known as biotin. It occurs due to deficiency of vitamin B7, also known as biotin. A biotin deficiency is quite rare, but when it does happen, it causes nails and hair to become brittle or thinner. To overcome this deficiency, you can take egg whites, egg yolksfish, spinach, cauliflower, bananas, whole grains, etc.

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3. Mouth ulcers

Lack of vitamin B and iron can lead to mouth ulcers. Deficiencies of vitamin B1, B2 and B6 can also lead to mouth ulcers. So if you have these deficiencies, look for iron-based foods like green leafy vegetables, seeds, and nuts. For vitamin B1, B2 and B6, include whole grains, fish, dairy products, green and starchy vegetables.

Causes of canker sores in the mouth
Eat green leafy vegetables to fight mouth ulcers!

4. Poor night vision

Low intake of vitamin A is linked to poor night vision. This condition of poor night vision is known as night blindness. Vitamin A is needed to form rhodopsin, a pigment found in the retinas that helps us see at night. Eat foods rich in vitamin A, such as carrots, dark green leafy vegetables, dairy products, etc.

So, include these foods in your daily diet to eliminate any kind of vitamin deficiency!


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