Surprising Effects of Eating Prunes, Says Dietitian — Eat This Not That

With a deep reddish-brown color, a satisfying chewy texture, a sweet (but not too sweet) flavor, and a long shelf life, it’s understandable why people might want to include prunes in your diet every day. While prunes may be known for offering serious relief from constipation, these perfectly portable and versatile fruits are much more than just helping people go to the bathroom.

Prunes pack a punch in the nutrition department and contain a plethora of important nutrients that some main health benefits.

Specifically, a portion of prunes (40 grams) provides:

  • 3 grams of fiber
  • Zero grams of added sugar
  • 6% of the recommended daily value for potassium

Additionally, prunes have boron, vitamin A, iron, magnesium, vitamin K, and many other nutrients that our bodies need to function properly.

So, if you’re jumping on the daily prune bandwagon and are committed to eating this delicious fruit every day, here are some benefits you might experience.

holding a plate of prunes

According to a recent study conducted from Pennsylvania State University, eating prunes every day prevented bone loss in the hip and protected against increased risk of fracture in postmenopausal women. Specifically, women who ate 50 grams of prunes (5 to 6 prunes) daily for 12 months preserved hip bone mineral density at 6 and 12 months, while total hip bone mineral density decreased between those who did not eat prunes every day at the same time. time points.

Prunes contain many nutrients that support bone health, including vitamin K, magnesium, calcium, and boron. In addition, they contain phenolic compounds, which can block bone resorption and support bone formation.

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While these new results are promising, and the findings presented should be considered preliminary until a peer-reviewed publication is available, they add to the body of research supporting prunes for bone health.


This shouldn’t come as a surprise, as prunes are many people’s favorite food when they need natural relief from constipation. They are not only a source of fiberbut prunes also contain a natural laxative called sorbitol, which can offer serious constipation relief for certain populations.

prunes on plateprunes on plate

Eating only 5 to 6 plums a day can increase “good” HDL cholesterol, reduce inflammation, and increase antioxidant activity—all positive results when it comes to supporting heart health. The data also showed that consuming pectin, a soluble fiber found in foods such as prunes, slowed the thickening of artery walls caused by plaque formationanother positive result by supporting heart health.


Although most fruits contain natural sugars, eating these nutritious foods is linked to weight loss, partly due to the fiber that these foods provide, which offers a satiating effect. Because prunes contain 3 grams of fiber per serving, eating them every day can help control your appetitethereby supporting weight management goals.

holding a bowl of prunesholding a bowl of prunes

Prunes are more likely to result in a more stable blood glucose response after enjoying them, thanks to their lower glycemic index and fiber content. As long as proper portion sizes are observed, including prunes in a diabetic-friendly diet can be a positive addition that is likely does not produce any negative effects when it comes to blood sugar control.

  नवरात्रि व्रत के दौरान कभी न करें ये 5 गलतियां, वजन घटने के बजाए बढ़ सकता है, जानें कैसे?
prunes in a bowlprunes in a bowl

If you are not used to eating foods that contain sorbitol, such as prunes, you may feel gassy and bloated if you eat them every day. According to a study that compared people who ate a large amount of prunes versus those who ate a prune-free diet, the group that ate prunes experienced more gas than those who did not eat this fruit. Because the amount of prunes provided in this study was greater than the size of a typical serving of prunes, we cannot say for sure whether people will experience gas if they stick to the recommended 5 to 6 prunes per day.

Lauren Manaker MS, RDN, LD, CLEC

Lauren Manaker is an award-winning registered dietitian, book author, and recipe developer who has been in practice for nearly 20 years. read more

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