Symptoms, Test and Prevention of H3N8 Bird Flu, That Claimed First Ever Human Life

H3N8 Bird Flu: This bird flu has caused the first human death in China. Previously, only two other human infections of H3N8 were reported.

H3N8 bird flu: The recent human death caused by the H3N8 bird flu has opened the walls of protection of the health sectors around the world. For the first time, a human death due to H3N8 bird flu was reported in a 56-year-old woman in China. So far, a total of three cases of human H3N8 infection have been reported, two of them in children who were exposed to poultry. Bird flu has never reported a death before, so the recent death has caused a small wave of anxiety. Any new disease that spreads puts people on guard since the COVID-19 pandemic. So far, there is not much information about the exact reason for the spread, prevention, and symptoms. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) has advised certain prevention tips for people.

What is the H3N8 virus?

It is a subtype of avian influenza. It was first detected in wild birds around 1960. Eventually, it was later found in other birds. In 2022 it reappeared and was known to infect horses and dogs. Therefore, until now it has been reported that all cases of H3N8 avian influenza were exposed to dead birds and contaminated environments. According to the WHO, “Human cases of infection with avian influenza viruses usually result from direct or indirect exposure to infected live or dead poultry or contaminated environments. Transmission of avian influenza viruses from birds to humans is usually sporadic and occurs in a specific context.

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Symptoms of the H3N8 virus:

In a statement, the WHO said that zoonotic influenza infections in humans may be asymptomatic or may cause disease. Depending on factors related to the specific virus and the infected host, disease can vary from from conjunctivitis or mild flu-like symptoms to severe acute respiratory illness or even death. Gastrointestinal or neurological symptoms have been reported, but these are rare.

H3N8 Virus Prevention Tips

While more research and data needs to be collected on the link between the spread of H3N8 bird flu to humans, the WHO has listed some basic guidelines to follow:

  • Countries must raise public awareness
  • Avoid contact with high risk environments such as live animal markets/farms, live poultry or
  • Be vigilant and avoid surfaces that may be contaminated with birds or bird feces.
  • It is recommended to maintain good hand hygiene by washing your hands frequently
  • Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
  • Wear respiratory protection when in a hazardous environment.

However, it is not yet clear what the exact source of this infection is and how this virus is related to other avian influenza A(H3N8) viruses circulating in animals. To better understand the current public health risk, more information is needed from research in both humans and animals.

Release Date: Apr 13, 2023 10:01am IST

Date Updated: Apr 13 2023 10:08 am IST

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