T-Bar Row vs. Barbell Row — Which Back Builder Is Best for You?

If you’re serious about developing maximal strength or getting a V-taper, then you need to row to grow. The T-bar row and the barbell row are often the top two contenders for the big pulling the bar place in most lifting programs. But which one do you choose?

You will often see strength athletes and bodybuilders pulling multiple plates and this helps build strength, muscle massand pulling power. His cousin, the barbell rowing, is a bit more complex and trains the bottom and upper back While both moves are similar, slight differences in stability, setup, and technique may make you prefer one over the other.

man works through a set of barbell rows
Credit: Jasminko Ibrakovic/Shutterstock

T-bar rowing, although the setup is more complex, the angle and stability of the landmine are easier on the lower back and this generally allows you to use more weight. The barbell row requires more activation of the lower back and hamstrings to maintain the hinge position, but with less stability, so less resistance is used.

Depending on your goals, the T-bar or the barbell row might work better for you.. It depends on you and your preferences. But with a little guidance below, you can better determine when it’s best to pull using a T-bar setup or the barbell row. Let’s dive.

Differences between the T-bar row and the barbell row

First things first: The T-bar row and the barbell row are both horizontal pulls that lifters can give enough. But that doesn’t make them the same. Here are some of the key differences between the two.

Range of motion and bar path

A big difference between the T-bar row and the barbell row is the range of motion and the path of the bar. The T-bar with the land mine the setup is why you can usually lift more weight.

Also, as your torso is closer to the ground with more knee flexion, you are reducing your range of motion (ROM). Not so with the barbell row, which is more of a hip hinge with stiff legs.

trained muscles

Due to the fixed bar path of the T-bar row, there is less demand on your core and postural stability which puts more emphasis on the upper back. The shorter range of motion and close grip pull out the lats slightly and train the upper back more.

This is why the T-bar row contributes to a thicker back. The wider grip often used on the barbell row gives your lats more love. The barbell row also gives you less stability and requires more postural and core control and lower back engagement to support the hip hinge.

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The T-bar row is a landmine exercise that needs a landmine attachment or the bar wedged into a corner with a towel or tennis ball. Also, you need a V-handle or towel to be able to row with both hands in a neutral grip.

For the barbell row, you just need a barbell and some weights. Both lifts start with the implement resting on the floor, which requires you to lower and lift the deadlift.

Similarities Between T-Bar and Barbell Row

The T-bar row and the barbell row may not the same appearance and they have very different configurations, however, they also have some similarities.

movement pattern

The specific mechanics of the barbell row and the T-bar row are different due to setup, but the movement pattern is the same. Both the T-bar row and the barbell row are horizontal pulls that train the muscles of the upper back, lats, forearms, and biceps.. then you will be building your pulling power with both elevators.

Both build the posterior chain

The T-bar row and the barbell row target different muscles, but both still train your posterior chain. Although the barbell row can work your back and harder hamstrings, by comparison the T-bar row still uses the hamstrings and lower back to some extent.

Depending on your grip, the barbell row trains your lats harder than the T-bar row, but the lats still play a big role in this lift. Both lifts require a large amount of grip strength to keep the bar safe in your hands.

T-bar row technique versus barbell row

Although the technique for the T-bar row and the barbell row is similar because they are both horizontal pulls, there are still a couple of differences.

lower back vs. higher

With the T-bar row, the angle and location of the bar make it easier to set up and put less compressive force on your lower back. If you’re looking to row hard and heavy, but your lower back is telling you to be careful, the T-bar row will be your choice.

This is not as pronounced with the barbell row. With the previous load and being in a hip hinge position with less stability, the lower back comes into play more. The barbell row applies more compressive forces on the spine and requires more spinal stiffness than other variations of the row.

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Also, the barbell row engages more of the lower and upper back compared to the T-bar row. (1)

How to Do the T-Bar Row

  • Stand on the bar with a wide stance and hinge down into the incline row position.
  • Lower your shoulders, chest up, and spine in a neutral position.
  • Your feet should be about eight to 12 inches behind the plates.
  • Grasp the T-bar with both hands at arms length and pull the handle toward your upper abs.
  • Pause for a second and slowly lower back to the starting position.

How to do the barbell row

  • Hinge on your hips and grab a loaded bar with a grip slightly wider than shoulder width.
  • Squeeze your shoulder blades together and row the bar until it touches your stomach.
  • You want your elbows to be at about a 45-degree angle throughout the movement.
  • Hold the top position of the row for a moment and then slowly lower back down.
  • Reset and repeat.

When to do the T-bar row vs. the barbell row

Both lifts deserve a place in your strength programming, hands down. But if you’re trying to figure out which one you should do to best suit your health and fitness goals, take a look at the tips below.

for strength

When it comes to absolute load potential, most of the time you are going to be moving more weight with the T-bar row than with the barbell row. if you are looking for develop upper back strengththe T-Bar row should be your option. Since the ability to use more weight and the neutral grip is your strongest grip, it will be the one you perform when you develop absolute strength.

The barbell row can play a role in building more strength throughout the body. Because of the equal engagement of the upper and lower back, it also has a place as an accessory deadlift exercise to strengthen the lower back for a stronger, more confident pull.

You can also target your hamstrings more specifically, to strengthen your hinge position at the bottom of the barbell deadlift.

for hypertrophy

when you are looking add some thickness and depth For your upper back, the T-bar row is probably the better choice between the two. The close grip and reduced ROM put more emphasis on the upper back. But If you’re looking to develop your V-taper and core strength, then go for the barbell row.

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man in stringer tank performs sets of wide-grip t-bar rowsman in stringer tank performs sets of wide-grip t-bar rows
Credit: martvisionlk/Shutterstock

That said, both are great options for muscle development because they work similar hard and heavy muscles. But since the T-bar row is easier on your lower back and more stable due to the landmine setup, you may find it easier to recover from your sessions focused on hypertrophy.

for bodybuilders

bodybuilders will probably benefit more from the T-bar than the barbell row. Lifters might be able to recover faster from the T-bar row due to lack of compressive strength in the lower back. Although the barbell row is still a great exercise, it can be hard on your lower back and can affect recovery, especially if you train your lower body the day after.

For starters

Before even attempting the barbell row, you need to master the hip joint with a load. Whether it’s a deadlift, Romanian deadlift, or kettlebell swing, learning how to articulate your hips under weight takes some time and effort.

For startersstarting with the T-Bar row might be a better option. The reduced range of motion increases stability and less stress on the lower back means the lifter build trust with hinged hip and heavy horizontal row pattern. When the beginning lifter is comfortable with the T-bar row, they can move on to the more advanced barbell row.

T-bar rowing or barbell rowing: who wins?

Both are great exercises and if your lower back is healthy, both can have a place in your program. When you’re looking to improve your numbers or deadlift technique, then the barbell row should be your choice. Spending more time in the hinge position strengthen your lower backthat is necessary for a safer life and stronger pull.

On the other hand, bodybuilders or those who suffer from lower back pain May do better with the T-Bar row. The comfort and reduced spinal force will allow you to row heavier, longer, and will grow your back as a result.

Ultimately, the exercise you choose comes down to your unique needs in the gym. It is too difficult a task to declare one exercise outright superior to another; Like everything in fitness, the devil is in the details.


1. Fenwick, CMJ, Brown, SHM, and McGill, SM (2009). Comparison of different rowing exercises: trunk muscle activation and movement, loading and stiffness of the lumbar spine. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 23(2), 350–358.

Featured Image: Jasminko Ibrakovic / Shutterstock

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