High risk of dengue fever after rain, protect your children

High risk of dengue fever after rain, protect your children

Dengue fever in children: Mosquitoes wreak havoc during the rainy season. Whether in the city or in a village, mosquitoes are terrorized everywhere. In such a situation, it is necessary to be attentive to your children. A little negligence regarding mosquito bites can harm a child’s health. In fact, there is a risk of dengue … Read more

डेंगू का मच्छर काटने के कितने दिन बाद आपको लक्षण दिखने लगते हैं? यहां पढ़ें

डेंगू का मच्छर काटने के कितने दिन बाद आपको लक्षण दिखने लगते हैं? यहां पढ़ें

Dengue Symptoms : डेंगू, मच्छरों के काटने से होने वाला एक खतरनाक वायरल बीमारी है, जो भारत में तेजी से फैल रहा है. बारिश में मच्छरों की आबादी बढ़ने से डेंगू के मामले भी तेजी से बढ़ रहे हैं. डेंगू वायरस के 4 स्ट्रेन्स होते हैं जो एडीज एजिप्टी मच्छर द्वारा फैलता है. इसके लक्षणों … Read more

Auto immune disorder coming to the fore in Dengue, thus causing damage to the liver

Auto immune disorder coming to the fore in Dengue, thus causing damage to the liver

Dengue Cases: Dengue cases are increasing continuously in many states of the country including Delhi. Dengue did not spread very fast in September, but in October, there have been a lot of dengue cases. Dengue patients are being admitted to the hospital and getting treatment. Due to low platelets, many patients have even needed to … Read more

How long does dengue fever last? Know the symptoms and important advice

How long does dengue fever last?  Know the symptoms and important advice

Dengue Fever: Dengue fever is caused by mosquito bites. Due to dengue fever, the platelet count starts decreasing in the patient’s body. Along with this, symptoms like severe pain in the body, joint pain, physical weakness, vomiting are seen. People often get scared when there is dengue, how long will its fever last. If you … Read more