Delhi-NCR Air Quality Worsens: List of Common Diseases Caused by Air Pollution

Delhi-NCR Air Quality Worsens: List of Common Diseases Caused by Air Pollution

  Delhi-NCR Air Quality Worsens: From heart disease to cancer, these are the diseases caused by air pollution that you need to be aware of if you want to protect yourself and your loved ones from its dangers. Source link

Pollution is not just bad for your lungs. It can also lead to anxiety and depression

Pollution is not just bad for your lungs. It can also lead to anxiety and depression

People who breathe polluted air experience changes in the brain regions that control emotions and are more likely to develop anxiety and depression as a result than those who breathe cleaner air. These are the key findings of a systematic review my colleagues and I recently published in the newspaper neurotoxicology. Our interdisciplinary team reviewed … Read more