How air pollution affects pregnant women and their babies

How air pollution affects pregnant women and their babies

    Air Pollution : The air we breathe can be very problematic for us because of the extreme rise in pollution levels. Numerous studies have revealed that reduced fertility rates in both men and women may be caused by air pollution. In fact, some research suggests that air pollution could be a major contributing … Read more

Air Pollution: How Toxic Air is Triggering Children’s Health in Delhi NCR

Air Pollution: How Toxic Air is Triggering Children’s Health in Delhi NCR

  Air Pollution: For the past few days, the air quality index in Delhi, NCR, has been high. Given the circumstances in the national capital, medical experts have advised parents to exercise caution with their children because of the increased risk of upper respiratory allergies and asthma. Source link

Air Pollution: Odd-even rule in Delhi from November 13-20 amid worsening air quality

Air Pollution: Odd-even rule in Delhi from November 13-20 amid worsening air quality

Home Video Gallery Air Pollution: Odd-even rule in Delhi from November 13-20 amid worsening air quality Amidst growing concerns, Delhi Environment Minister Gopal Rai said on Monday, November 6, that the odd-even rule will be brought back for a week, starting from November 13–20, to improve the situation. Air Pollution: Delhi and its surrounding areas … Read more

Delhi-NCR Air Quality Worsens: List of Common Diseases Caused by Air Pollution

How air pollution affects pregnant women and their babies

  Delhi-NCR Air Quality Worsens: From heart disease to cancer, these are the diseases caused by air pollution that you need to be aware of if you want to protect yourself and your loved ones from its dangers. Source link

Delhi Air Pollution: Tips To Protect Your Children From Toxic Air

Delhi Air Pollution: Tips To Protect Your Children From Toxic Air

  Delhi Air Pollution: As air pollution continues to be a growing concern in Delhi-NCR, it is important to take steps to protect the health of your children. Exposure to air pollutants can have severe consequences for their well-being, including respiratory problems, developmental issues, and even long-term health risks. Here are five tips to safeguard … Read more

Air Pollution Causes Cancer? Here’s What AIIMS Doctor Has to Say

Air Pollution Causes Cancer? Here’s What AIIMS Doctor Has to Say

Home Health Air Pollution Causes Cancer? Here’s What AIIMS Doctor Has to Say Air pollution levels are at an all-time high, engulfing large portions of the nation in a dense layer of fog right now. Health experts reveal the adverse impacts of air pollution on health. Air Pollution Causes Cancer? Here’s What AIIMS Doctor Has … Read more

वायु प्रदूषण से बचने के लिए करते रहें ये योग, दूर होंगी सांस से जुड़ी कई दिक्कतें

वायु प्रदूषण से बचने के लिए करते रहें ये योग, दूर होंगी सांस से जुड़ी कई दिक्कतें

Yoga For Pollution: दिल्ली-NCR में बढ़ता वायु प्रदूषण एक बड़ी समस्या बनता जा रहा है. खासकर दिवाली के आस-पास यहां की हवा अधिक प्रदूषित हो जाती है. जहरीली हवा में सांस लेना कठिन हो जाता है और लोगों को कई तरह की परेशानियों का सामना करना पड़ता है. गले में खराश, खांसी, आंखों में जलन … Read more

प्रदूषण को हल्के में ना लें… इस माहौल में सांस लेकर कितनी उम्र कम कर रहे हैं लोग?

प्रदूषण को हल्के में ना लें… इस माहौल में सांस लेकर कितनी उम्र कम कर रहे हैं लोग?

Air Pollution:  दिल्ली और आसपास के इलाकों में इस समय एयर प्रदूषण बहुत बढ़ गया है. यह जहरीली हवा लोगों की सेहत के लिए बहुत खतरनाक हैं.प्रदूषित हवा में सांस लेने से फेफड़ों और हृदय रोग जैसी गंभीर बीमारियां हो रही हैं. कई अध्ययनों से पता चला है कि प्रदूषण के कारण लोगों की औसत … Read more