Hair is turning white before time, so be alert! Symptoms can be of 4 diseases

Whitening or graying of hair is usually a sign of old age. With the increase of age, the color of the hair starts turning from black to white. However, as we age. By the way, pigment cells means that cell, which works to give its color to our hair. It starts to fade away. This … Read more

Know what is this disease? having no hair on the head

Hair Loss Treatment: You must remember that incident of Oscar award program. When Hollywood actor Will Smith made an unhelpful comment, anchoring actor Chris Rock about Janda Pinkett Smith’s hair loss. Will Smith got so angry at this comment that he slapped Chris Rock. Chris Rock’s comment was about Janda Pickett’s baldness and that’s it … Read more

What is alopecia disease, in which hair starts falling excessively

Hair Fall: Hair loss can be a natural process. But excessive hair fall is a matter of concern. Experts believe that hair loss is a multifunctional disease called Alopecia. Although it can also be fixed. In this type of disease, more hair loss occurs from the scalp only. But the matter becomes serious when gradually … Read more

What is Alopecia? The Hair Condition That Will Smith’s Wife Jada Pinkett is Suffering From

Oscar 2022 has talked about some things – how far the joke can go and how the person should be treated. For reference, host Chris Rock was slapped on stage by actor Will Smith for making fun of his wife’s thick pinky look. For strangers, Thick has been suffering from a hair loss condition called … Read more