क्या होता है सब्‍जा सीड्स, इससे पेट की जिद्दी चर्बी भी चंद दिनों में हो जाएगी कम

क्या होता है सब्‍जा सीड्स, इससे पेट की जिद्दी चर्बी भी चंद दिनों में हो जाएगी कम

Benefits of Sabja Seeds : सब्‍जा सीड्स एक बहुत ही पौष्टिक और लाभदायक बीज है. ये काले रंग के छोटे-छोटे चिकने बीज होते हैं जो चिया बीज के आकार के समान दिखते हैं. इसको तकमरिया सीड्स और अंग्रेजी में बेसिल सीड्स  कहा जाता है. इन बीजों में प्रोटीन, फाइबर, विटामिन, खनिज, एंटीऑक्सीडेंट और अन्य अमीनो … Read more

Chia Seed Vs Basil Seeds: Which is good for you?

Chia Seed Vs Basil Seeds: Which is good for you?

<div id="player-container" class="player-container style-scope ytd-reel-video-renderer"> <div id="container" class="style-scope ytd-player"> <div id="shorts-player" class="html5-video-player ytp-hide-controls ytp-exp-bottom-control-flexbox ytp-exp-ppp-update ytp-hide-info-bar ytp-small-mode ytp-fit-cover-video playing-mode" tabindex="-1" data-version="/s/player/da7c2a60/player_ias.vflset/en_US/base.js" aria-label="YouTube Video Player"> <div class="ytp-player-content ytp-cultural-moment-player-content" data-layer="4"> <div id="player-container" class="player-container style-scope ytd-reel-video-renderer"> <div id="container" class="style-scope ytd-player"> <div id="shorts-player" class="html5-video-player ytp-hide-controls ytp-exp-bottom-control-flexbox ytp-exp-ppp-update ytp-hide-info-bar ytp-small-mode ytp-fit-cover-video playing-mode" tabindex="-1" data-version="/s/player/da7c2a60/player_ias.vflset/en_US/base.js" aria-label="YouTube Video Player"> <div class="ytp-player-content ytp-cultural-moment-player-content" … Read more

Basil Seeds vs Chia Seeds: What is The Difference? Here’s What You Should Know

Basil Seeds vs Chia Seeds: What is The Difference? Here’s What You Should Know

There has always been a question about which seeds are healthy, their nutritional value and much more. Between chia seeds and basil seeds, both of these are bracing and beneficial for health. But people often get confused between them and if you too are confused, this article will surely help you to make the right … Read more