करेले जैसी दिखने वील ये सब्जी डायबिटीज सहित इन बीमारियों की कर सकती है छुट्टी

करेले जैसी दिखने वील ये सब्जी डायबिटीज सहित इन बीमारियों की कर सकती है छुट्टी

Kantol Benefits: करेले की सब्जी तो आप सब ने ही खाई होगी .ये सेहत को फायदा पहुंचाने वाली सब्जी है, खासकर डायबिटीज के मरीजों को इससे खूब फायदा पहुंचता है. लेकिन इसका स्वाद लोगों को बिल्कुल भी पसंद नहीं आता है. ऐसे में आप कंटोला की सब्जी खा सकते हैं. यह शक्ल सूरत में भी … Read more

Knowing these 7 great benefits of green moong, you will start eating it everyday

Knowing these 7 great benefits of green moong, you will start eating it everyday

Green mung beans are rich in essential vitamins and minerals, including folate, iron, magnesium, potassium and vitamin B6. These nutrients play an important role in supporting overall health, such as boosting energy levels, boosting brain function, Enhancing function and supporting heart health. Source link

You would not know these tremendous benefits of cycling daily, get involved in the routine from today itself.

You would not know these tremendous benefits of cycling daily, get involved in the routine from today itself.

Benefits Of Cycling: All of you must have cycled a lot in your childhood. Bicycle used to be the best option for going to school or doing small chores, going to the market etc. But in this era people use motor vehicle for some distance, this is the reason why people are getting sick. However, … Read more

In the hot summer, consume bottle gourd with cool effect… you will get these 5 tremendous benefits

In the hot summer, consume bottle gourd with cool effect… you will get these 5 tremendous benefits

Bottle Gourd: The hot, scorching summer season has arrived. In this season many problems related to skin and body occur. The heat is so much that even the problem of dehydration causes many problems. This is the reason why experts often recommend to hydrate yourself as much as possible during the summer season, although for … Read more