हरी मिर्च नहीं खाते हैं तो आज से ही खाना कर दीजिए शुरू…सेहत को मिलते हैं ढेरों फायदे

Green Chilly Benefits: हरी मिर्च हर भारतीय खाने की जान है. जी हां भारतीय रसोई में बिना हरी मिर्च के तो कोई काम ही नहीं बनता.अक्सर आपने देखा होगा कि खाने की टेबल पर प्याज और मिर्ची तो जरूर ही रखी होती है. इससे खाने का स्वाद काफी ज्यादा बढ़ जाता है. वहीं जिन लोगों … Read more

करेले जैसी दिखने वील ये सब्जी डायबिटीज सहित इन बीमारियों की कर सकती है छुट्टी

Kantol Benefits: करेले की सब्जी तो आप सब ने ही खाई होगी .ये सेहत को फायदा पहुंचाने वाली सब्जी है, खासकर डायबिटीज के मरीजों को इससे खूब फायदा पहुंचता है. लेकिन इसका स्वाद लोगों को बिल्कुल भी पसंद नहीं आता है. ऐसे में आप कंटोला की सब्जी खा सकते हैं. यह शक्ल सूरत में भी … Read more

बादाम और अखरोट से भी जयादा फायदेमंद है टाइगर नट्स…इसे खाने के 7 अनोखे फायदे जानिए

बादाम और अखरोट से भी जयादा फायदेमंद है टाइगर नट्स…इसे खाने के 7 अनोखे फायदे जानिए Source link

This stone-like thing can remove many problems including digestion… know the benefits

Take care of Katira: Herbs have been used since ages. This gives many benefits to health. One such herb is Gond Katira. It is obtained from the sap of the locoweed plant. It is also known as tragacanth gum. Gond Katira is a colourless, odorless and tasteless substance. It is used to cure many health … Read more

So because of this, pink salt is better than normal salt… these 5 big benefits are available for health

Pink Salt VS Normal Salt: It is very important to have salt to enhance the taste of food. By the way, we have many options of salt like rock salt, white salt, but in most of the food we use white salt, while when it comes to fasting, during this time we use pink salt… … Read more

In the hot summer, consume bottle gourd with cool effect… you will get these 5 tremendous benefits

Bottle Gourd: The hot, scorching summer season has arrived. In this season many problems related to skin and body occur. The heat is so much that even the problem of dehydration causes many problems. This is the reason why experts often recommend to hydrate yourself as much as possible during the summer season, although for … Read more

Rich in flavor, the risk of many diseases can be reduced by eating apples daily.

Rose Apple: The summer season has arrived. In this season, more than one fruit is sold in the market. Generally all of us must have eaten all kinds of fruits. But there is one fruit about which some people do not know at all. The name of this fruit is Rose Apple. It is rarely … Read more

Losing weight will not be difficult now, include this tea in your routine

Weight Loss Tips:As soon as the name of tea comes, many good thoughts come to mind, because for us Indians, tea is an emotion. Whatever be the occasion, tea is never missed, some people’s morning is not complete without tea. This gives energy and brings agility to the body. Most people like to drink milk … Read more