Plum Benefits: 6 Reasons to Make Sweet and Tangy Aloo Bukhara Your Fruit of the Month

Plum Benefits: 6 Reasons to Make Sweet and Tangy Aloo Bukhara Your Fruit of the Month

Home Health Plum Benefits: 6 Reasons To Make Sweet And Spicy Aloo Bukhara Your Fruit Of The Month Ti is the season of Aloo Bukhara or plums. It’s time to add more colors to the fruit bowl with plums, here’s why, The seasons change and so does the variety of fruits that are available in … Read more

Aloo Bukhara is immunity booster, not one but two benefits are available by its consumption

Aloo Bukhara is immunity booster, not one but two benefits are available by its consumption

Plum Nutrition: Hardly anyone would eat Aloo Bukhara with a view to benefiting health. But these small red potatoes, which seem to be sour and sweet, can help us in fighting big and big diseases. Aloo Bukhara also helps in keeping you away from many types of heart diseases. Let us tell you about other … Read more