First death from bird flu in America, learn how this disease is transmitted from birds to humans

First death from bird flu in America, learn how this disease is transmitted from birds to humans

Shocking news has emerged regarding bird flu in Louisiana, America. In fact, a 65-year-old man died here from this flu. A few days ago, this patient was admitted to Mid South State Hospital. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) described this as the first case of the H5N1 virus spreading in humans. … Read more

A new epidemic could soon spread in this powerful country in the world, the ravages of this terrible virus will be visible.

A new epidemic could soon spread in this powerful country in the world, the ravages of this terrible virus will be visible.

Bird flu virus in America : The threat of a new epidemic looms in the most powerful country in the world. It is said to be a very dangerous virus. An alert was also issued on this subject. The risk of bird flu is increasing in America. There are fears that this could take the … Read more