ICMR-Supported NCAHT Launches Assistive Technology Products for Visually Impaired

National Center for Assistive Technology (NCAHT), supported by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), launched a wide range of assistive technology products for the visually impaired at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi . ‘TacRead is a refreshable braille display (RBD) that allows visually impaired people to read digital text through a touch interface. #assistivetechnologyproductsfortheblind … Read more

‘Smart Vision Glass’ launched for the blind, will help in many tasks including walking and reading

Smart Vision Glasses: A private hospital in Delhi has given a unique boon to blind people. The hospital launched one such ‘smart vision sunglasses’, which is based on artificial intelligence and machine learning technology. With the help of this glass, blind people not only helps in walking and recognizing faces, but also helps in reading … Read more

Southern Railway: Braille Navigation Maps Installed at Chennai

This will help the visually impaired to traverse on their own. The Braille Maps were installed on Monday. Visually Impaired Friendly Maps at Chennai Railway Stations The map is posted at the entrance to both train stations and is 3X3 feet in size. Will help guide visually impaired passengers to navigate the station to assess … Read more

What is the problem of blind pimples, reasons behind it and ways to avoid it

Ways To Avoid Blind Pimple: Pimples are the biggest and troubling problem among skin problems. Pimples spoil the beauty of the whole face. But do you know about blind pimples? Blind pimples are below the surface of the skin. They usually cannot be noticed but they look different on your face. Due to these pimples … Read more

In this infection, the parasite makes the human body a home, can make you blind

Deadly diseases like cancer, diabetes, HIV are caused by the growth of a virus in the body or due to the growth of internal cells. These diseases are so deadly that if not treated on time, they can be fatal, but can you imagine that there are some diseases in which external parasites come and … Read more