While performing India’s first heart transplant surgery, the whole scene of the operation theater was something like this, Dr. P.

Dr. P. Venugopal is the first such doctor in India who did the first successful heart transplant in India in 1994. Now you will think that we know this thing, so why are we suddenly talking about it? Today we read his book ‘Heartfelt: A Cardiac Surgeon’s Pioneering Journey’ Will talk about. In this, he … Read more

Children’s Day: What troubles youngsters in a rapidly changing world? What can parents do about it?

The silence around our children’s mental health has always troubled me. Ask any educator and you will agree that the last ten years have seen an escalation of issues and concerns surrounding the mental health and emotional well-being of our children. And we have good reason to worry. Globally, over the past fifteen years, researchers … Read more