Brain Health: 5 Tips to Reduce Your Risk of Dementia

Brain Health: 5 Tips to Reduce Your Risk of Dementia

Home Health Brain Health: 5 Tips to Reduce Risk of Dementia And Avoid Cognitive Decline as You Age Brain Health: People’s brain health deteriorates with age, and memory loss and slow motor nerves become prevalent issues. Brain Health: 5 Tips to Reduce Risk of Dementia And Avoid Cognitive Decline as You Age Brain Health: … Read more

Brain Health: 7 Worst Everyday Habits That Lead to Memory Loss Symptoms

Brain Health: 7 Worst Everyday Habits That Lead to Memory Loss Symptoms

Home Health Brain Health: 7 Worst Everyday Habits That Lead to Memory Loss Symptoms Brain health starts to deteriorate with age and it becomes imperative to nurture and nourish our brain. Here is how these sedentary lifestyle habits may causes memory loss. Brain Health: 6 Worst Everyday Habits That Lead to Memory Loss Symptoms (Freepik) … Read more

Brain Health: 6 Superfoods to Eat in Your 50s to Reduce Memory Loss Symptoms 

Brain Health: 6 Superfoods to Eat in Your 50s to Reduce Memory Loss Symptoms 

Home Health Brain Health: 6 Superfoods to Eat in Your 50s to Reduce Memory Loss Symptoms  Brain health deteriorates with age. Memory loss, dementia come with age and here is how dietary choices can lower the risk of developing it. Brain Health: 6 Superfoods to Eat in Your 50s to Reduce Memory Loss Symptoms  Brain … Read more

जानिए क्या हैं वो आदतें, जो आपको हर रोज अंदर से धीरे-धीरे खोखला बना रही हैं!

जानिए क्या हैं वो आदतें, जो आपको हर रोज अंदर से धीरे-धीरे खोखला बना रही हैं!

कुछ ऐसी आदतें होती हैं जो हमें धीरे-धीरे नुकसान पहुंचाती हैं और हमें पता भी नहीं चलता. जाने-अनजाने में यह आदतें हमारी लत बन जाती है. यह हमारे दिमाग और शरीर दोनों को ही कमजोर बना देती हैं. ऐसे में हमें इन आदतों से जितना हो सके बचना चाहिए.  ताकि यह हमारे जीवन शैली को … Read more

Blueberry Benefits: 5 Ways How This Wholesome Fruit Can Lower The Risk of Alzheimer’s

Blueberry Benefits: 5 Ways How This Wholesome Fruit Can Lower The Risk of Alzheimer’s

Home Health Blueberry Benefits: 5 Ways How This Wholesome Fruit Can Lower The Risk of Alzheimer’s Blueberries are more than just a delightful addition to your diet; they are a powerful ally in supporting brain health. Blueberry Benefits: 5 Ways How This Wholesome Fruit Can Lower The Risk of Alzheimer’s Blueberries are more than just … Read more

Brain Health: 6 Morning Drinks to Boost Memory And Reduce Symptoms of Brain Stroke

Brain Health: 6 Morning Drinks to Boost Memory And Reduce Symptoms of Brain Stroke

Home Health Brain Health: 6 Morning Drinks to Boost Memory And Reduce Symptoms of Brain Stroke According to a recent Lancet study, brain stroke is likely too increase by 50 percent in youngsters. So how do we prevent it? Add these brain-boosting drinks in your diet to improve cognitive functioning and lower risk of stroke. … Read more

Mental Health Risks: Can Sitting Longer Than 9 Hours Put You Through Depression?

Mental Health Risks: Can Sitting Longer Than 9 Hours Put You Through Depression?

Home Health Mental Health Risks: Can Sitting Longer Than 9 Hours Put You Through Depression? Excessive sitting is a risk factor for a range of health issues. Here are 7 disadvantages how sitting for 8-9 hours can affect your mental and physical state. Mental Health Risks: Can Sitting Longer Than 9 Hours Put You Through … Read more

World Brain Day 2023: 6 Everyday Habits to Keep Your Brain Healthy and Sharp

World Brain Day 2023: 6 Everyday Habits to Keep Your Brain Healthy and Sharp

Home Health World Brain Day 2023: 6 daily habits to keep your brain healthy and strong Small changes in daily habits can lead to significant improvements in cognitive function, allowing us to live healthier and more fulfilling lives for years to come. Brain Day 2023: 7 tips to keep your brain healthy (Freepik) The human … Read more