Due to these things the brain of humans is shrinking rapidly, leave these habits immediately

Due to these things the brain of humans is shrinking rapidly, leave these habits immediately

Just as there are changes in the human body, there are many changes in the mind as well. When a person reaches the age of 30 to 40, his brain starts shrinking. Now you will think that you had heard about shrinking of clothes, but does the brain really shrink too. Yes, after 30-40 the … Read more

Corona patients are at risk of this disease, seeing the symptoms, the brain will also answer

Corona patients are at risk of this disease, seeing the symptoms, the brain will also answer

Coronavirus Brain Fog: The outbreak of Coronavirus had thrown the whole world into turmoil in the year 2020-21. In today’s time, its outbreak has reduced as compared to earlier, but it has not ended completely. The effect of this epidemic is still visible among the people in some form or the other. Recently a report … Read more