Newborn Care Tips: 7 Must-Know Breastfeeding Benefits For Both Mother And Baby

Newborn Care Tips: 7 Must-Know Breastfeeding Benefits For Both Mother And Baby

Home Health Newborn Care Tips: 7 Must-Know Breastfeeding Benefits For Both Mother And Baby The advantages of breast milk are not just limited to fighting off infections but also a higher IQ later in the newborn’s life. DOCTOR VERIFIED Newborn Care Tips: 7 Must-Know Breastfeeding Benefits For Both Mother And Baby Babies tend to get … Read more

जब महिलाएं ब्रेस्टफीडिंग करवाती हैं तो शरीर में होते हैं ये बदलाव

जब महिलाएं ब्रेस्टफीडिंग करवाती हैं तो शरीर में होते हैं ये बदलाव

World Breastfeeding Week 2023: जब महिलाएं ब्रेस्टफीडिंग करवाती हैं तो शरीर में होते हैं ये बदलाव Source link

क्यों जन्म के 6 महीने तक बच्चे को सिर्फ ब्रेस्टफीडिंग कराना चाहिए, जानें

क्यों जन्म के 6 महीने तक बच्चे को सिर्फ ब्रेस्टफीडिंग कराना चाहिए, जानें

World Breastfeeding Week 2023: क्यों जन्म के 6 महीने तक बच्चे को सिर्फ ब्रेस्टफीडिंग कराना चाहिए, जानें Source link

Modern moms do not want to breastfeed their child, these reasons are astonishing

Modern moms do not want to breastfeed their child, these reasons are astonishing

Why Breastfeeding is Must: Children treating doctors i.e. paediatricians and gynecologists who give birth to children, both are observing a new kind of trend these days. This trend is related to breastfeeding, in which certain professions and new generation mothers are trying to avoid breastfeeding the child. Dr. Ashu Khajuria, Senior Pediatrician at Rejoice Hospital, … Read more