Know How Gastric Bypass Surgery Is Performed – GoMedii

We must know the difference between body health and unhealthy body. Although a chubby body looks cute, but did you know that it can also become home to many dangerous diseases, fatigue and unhealthy lifestyle. If your BMI is 35 or higher, it means you are obese, which can lead to serious weight-related health problems … Read more

Dr. Madan Mohan performs successful bypass surgery for Biswanath Biswas – GoMedii

In bypass surgery, small incisions are made in the right side of the chest to access the heart between the ribs. Many heart conditions can be treated using bypass surgery. For many patients, open-heart surgery is performed in this form of surgery because there is less pain and quicker recovery in open-heart surgery than in … Read more

Dr. Madan Mohan performs successful bypass surgery for Biswanath Biswas – GoMedii

In bypass surgery, small incisions are made in the right side of the chest to access the heart between the ribs. Many heart conditions can be treated using bypass surgery. For many patients, open-heart surgery is performed in this form of surgery because there is less pain and quicker recovery in open-heart surgery than in … Read more

Patient Story: Vikas undergoes heart bypass surgery in Medanta! – GoMedii

In today’s time, due to the deteriorating lifestyle of the people, heart-related diseases are seen in many people. In earlier times, heart related diseases used to happen to old people, but in today’s time it is also seen in young people. There are many types of diseases related to the heart, in which the patient … Read more