Black spots are happening on the body? Have you come under the grip of this serious disease, get it checked

Black Rashes On Skin: Diabetes is a lifestyle disease. Diseases like hypertension, diabetes, obesity occur only when a person has a bad lifestyle. After this, diseases like heart attack. Like every disease, the symptoms of diabetes are visible. It is necessary to identify them in time for treatment. Today we will talk about such symptoms … Read more

Diabetes Symptoms: Why does the blood sugar of a diabetic patient suddenly increase or decrease? this is the reason

Diabetes Treatment: Diabetes is a lifestyle related disease. The diet of the person is not correct. Factors like lack of physical activity are responsible for diabetes. Once you have diabetes, you have to take pills for life. Since insulin is not present in the blood. This pill works to increase insulin. The glucose level of … Read more

Underweight people are also getting diabetes, you will be surprised to know the reason, revealed in the study

Diabetes Symptoms: The study, conducted by researchers from the Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, has revealed that age helps to better diagnose diabetes and prediabetes conditions in adults. This study has recently been published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Study done on people of this age The US-based study found that all … Read more

8 crore patients of diabetes in India… these 5 diseases also come with this disease, be careful

Diabetes Symptoms: Diabetes is a lifestyle related disease. If the lifestyle is bad then diabetes is one of the first diseases to occur. Sometimes this disease is also genetic. In such a situation, it is most important to improve the lifestyle to prevent the disease. On the other hand, even if this disease is going … Read more

Diabetes Treatment: This smart bandage will cure diabetic ulcers, wounds! the cost will also be less

Diabetes Symptoms: Diabetes is a lifestyle related disease. If the lifestyle is bad then diabetes is one of the first diseases. Apart from this, hypertension and heart diseases start happening. Diabetes weakens the body’s immune system. Doctors tell that infection in diabetes surrounds quickly. Apart from this, there is another problem with the diabetic patient. … Read more

Hands are trembling while holding something, is it diabetes? this is the reason

Diabetes Early Symptoms: Diabetes is a lifestyle related disease. The risk of this disease reduces to a great extent only by doing daily exercise, correcting diet, doing yoga. Diabetes disease occurs when there is less insulin in the blood. To manage this insulin, one has to take pills or even injections every day. Like other … Read more

The symptoms of diabetes are not the same in men and women, know what is the problem with women?

Diabetes Symptoms In Woman: Diabetes, hypertension are lifestyle diseases. If the lifestyle is not correct, then this disease easily takes home. Diabetes can happen to women, men, children, elderly people. There is a need to be very careful for this. Doctors say that to prevent any disease, it is most important to identify its symptoms. … Read more

These symptoms are visible as soon as you wake up in the morning… have you become a victim of diabetes?

Diabetes Symptoms: Diabetes, hypertension is a lifestyle disease. The worrying thing is that these symptoms are not known earlier. Diseases like diabetes, hypertension are known as silent killers. Doctors say that like every disease, diabetes also shows some symptoms. Although they look very normal in appearance. But it is necessary to identify these symptoms on … Read more