Do you know what vitiligo is and how this disease appears?

Do you know what vitiligo is and how this disease appears?

White spots and large plaques appearing on the face and body are called Vitiligo Disease in English. Often people associate it with the sins of a previous birth, leprosy, untouchability, but for your information, let’s say that it is not so. People do not even eat or drink with such people, which is a very … Read more

Does Too Much Sun Exposure Cause Vitiligo? 5 Myths Debunked About This Skin Disorder

Does Too Much Sun Exposure Cause Vitiligo? 5 Myths Debunked About This Skin Disorder

Home Lifestyle Vitiligo Myths: Does Too Much Sun Exposure Cause Vitiligo? 5 misconceptions we must eliminate Vitiligo is one of those disorders that make people feel insecure about their patches and are often embarrassed by it. The skin disorder often affects the person’s mental health as well. Myths and facts about vitiligo, a skin disorder … Read more