बच्चों से ज्यादा युवाओं के लिए खतरनाक है सोशल मीडिया, जानें क्या है कारण

<p style="text-align: justify;">’डेलॉइट’ ( Deloitte) के एक नए रिसर्च के मुताबिक 71 प्रतिशत कर्मचारी सोशल मीडिया पर इतना ज्यादा वक्त बिताते हैं. जिसकी वजह से उनकी काम की क्वालिटी खराब होती है. इसी कंपनी के एक नए रिसर्च में पाया गया है कि 30 प्रतिशत वयस्क लगातार इंटरनेट से जुड़े रहते हैं, जबकि केवल 10 … Read more

Diet For Children: What is MIND Diet and is it Really Healthy For Kids? Expert Speaks

Home Lifestyle Diet For Children: What is MIND Diet and is it Really Healthy For Kids? Expert Speaks Mediterranean and DASH diets are considered to be healthy meals to incorporate but how healthy is it for children? Diet for children is one of the important aspects to look into. during the developmental years, what the … Read more

Part-3: This is the new era! 30 thousand high quality children will be born every year without mother’s womb

There is a company, which will produce 30 thousand high quality babies every year. At the moment this is a claim but that company says that this thing will be proved right. We are writing here about ‘high quality’ baby and that is because the company will raise the babies in a machine and not … Read more

Part-1: Machine will give birth to children, end the cycle of carrying in the stomach, you will also be the real parent

​According to which the debate on Artificial Intelligence (AI) is going on all over the world, it was bound to happen one day. The world’s biggest technology companies including Facebook, Apple, Tesla, Microsoft, Google are engaged in the work of Artificial Intelligence. Now the news has come that the affair of raising the child in … Read more

Why 9 hours of sleep is necessary, experts themselves are telling the reason

Sleep is an important part of our daily routine. To stay healthy, as important as food is, equally important is a good sleep. Today it has become difficult for a person to get a good and better sleep due to the run-of-the-mill life and poor lifestyle. The duration of sleep varies according to age. On … Read more

What is Strep A Infection? Who killed 6 children in UK

Strep A Infection Treatment: Kovid has shaken the world economy in the last two years. Crores of people in the country and the world have come under the grip of this virus. Lakhs of people also lost their lives. After Kovid, people have started being conscious about health. At the same time, after Kovid, many … Read more

Kareena Kapoor shared a secret about her two children

Kareena Kapoor Shares Skin Secrets: Kareena Kapoor Khan is a superhit actress as well as a wonderful mother. Kareena manages her professional and personal life very well. Recently, the actress has shared the secrets of the beautiful skin of both her sons with the fans. Which is becoming very viral on social media, Kareena has … Read more

Do you understand your child well? 1 out of every 7 children is a victim of low mood, know how

Childhood Issues: Low mood and depression are such problems, which are also faced by children. Generally, it is thought about the children that what is the concern of these small children, which will cause them depression. but it’s not like that. Because the cause of depression is not only the stress of career and household. … Read more