Please note the increase in temperature can be dangerous for the heart, take care of yourself in summer

Please note the increase in temperature can be dangerous for the heart, take care of yourself in summer

Climate change and heart health : Climate change has become a serious problem. The increase in temperature, unbalanced weather conditions and pollution affects not only the environment, but also have a serious impact on our health. A study in Australia recently said that increasing temperature and climate change increases the rapid risk of heart disease. … Read more

Do not fall ill in changing weather, do only 3 things, you will be in good shape

Do not fall ill in changing weather, do only 3 things, you will be in good shape

Health advice : Winters are over, heat strikes. Holi The first day is hot during the day and cooled at night. During this changing season, most people neglect health. Due to what problems such as cold, cold, cough, fever and sore throat can increase. It is necessary to take precautions in such a situation. If … Read more