दोनों के बीच क्या अंतर हैं? और कैसे कर सकते हैं बचाव

<p style="text-align: justify;">बदलते मौसम में खुद का ख्याल रखना बेहद जरूरी होता है. क्योंकि इसी मौसम में सर्दी-जुकाम होने के चांसेस बढ़ जाते हैं. सबसे बड़ा सवाल यह उठता है कि आप कैसे पता कर सकते हैं कि कॉमन कोल्ड-कफ है या सीजनल एलर्जी है? दोनों ही स्थिति में लक्षण बेहद सामान्य होती है. लेकिन … Read more

AI to detect fake sick leaves? Know what viral report claims – ET HealthWorld

New Delhi: A viral report is doing the rounds on social media. Researchers have reportedly developed technology that can detect whether a person is suffering from a cold or not, analyzing the tone of his voice. Just a cool summary: in case of a cold or cold-like illnesses, due to pathogens, a person’s voice is … Read more

How true is it that when you have a cold, you should not take medicine? you also remember this

Cough and Cold Symptoms: Cough, cold, fever are seasonal diseases. These diseases take hold as soon as the weather changes. They are also called normal flu ie influenza. Cold, cough give pain in the head. Fatigue persists throughout the day. People immediately take medicine for protection. But one thing always remains in the discussion that … Read more

Does normal cold also give immunity to fight against Covid? Shocking information revealed

Can we get immunity to fight against corona even from normal cold? Everyone comes in the grip of cold and flu at one time or the other. Now the question arises whether they strengthen the immune system or not. In fact, even normal cold is caused by the virus of the same family, which causes … Read more

how long do you live when you have the flu or cold

The weather is changing, in such a situation it is common to have flu or cold. However, it is such a disease that if it occurs once, it worsens the condition. Because of this, many of your works stop. Because this disease is contagious and if you are infected with it, you can infect others … Read more

Cough coming continuously? Find out from these symptoms that you have chest infection or just cold

Common Cold Symptoms: Viral diseases catch hold quickly in the winter season. Usually a person is first infected with a cold or flu, followed by a chest infection, Chest infection is a respiratory condition that affects the lower respiratory tract and bronchial tubes. Chest infection can also be caused by virus or bacteria. During winters, … Read more

How To Identify COVID Cough? 5 Things To Know

New Delhi: As winter approaches, there has been an increase in cases of common cold or flu in addition to COVID. Symptoms of the common cold and COVID-19 are generally similar. Cough, fever, fatigue, and muscle aches are common to both the flu and COVID-19. The viruses that cause colds, flu and Covid-19 are spread … Read more