What is Covid Appropriate Behavior? What precautions should be taken regarding the cases which are increasing

Covid Appropriate Behavior: Corona wreaked havoc in the country in the year 2021. The delta variant was extremely fatal here. Lakhs of people got infected with this virus, while thousands of people lost their lives. At present, the Omicron variant is spreading. Hundreds of its sequences are in the air. The most widely spread variant … Read more

What are these four T’s? Ministry of Health has advised to adopt these to avoid Kovid

Corona Virus Symptoms: The havoc of Corona in the country has not stopped yet. Cases of continuous infection are coming to the fore. Scientists and doctors are keeping an eye on its mutation. Scientists are worried about the fact that the corona may not take a fatal form. The number of people getting infected with … Read more

… So did ‘raccoon dogs’ spread corona to humans? Worldwide devastation!

Even after 3 years of the corona epidemic, the origin of corona remains a big question. Most people believe that the origin of corona is related to bats. While some people believe that this virus leaked from the laboratory of Wuhan, China. However, a new study has claimed that the Kovid-19 virus may have been … Read more

This virus is damaging lungs, kidney, liver, shocking revelation in the study

Corona Symptoms: Corona wreaked havoc for two years. Took lakhs of people in the country. Thousands of people died. More people were infected with the delta variant in the country. At the same time, the effect of Omicron variant was seen in other countries of the world. The central government launched a massive campaign to … Read more

Be careful, recurrent covid can kill

Corona Virus: The Kovid virus has wreaked havoc not only in the country but in the world. People have come under the grip of different variants of Kovid. Herd immunity against COVID, development of antibodies against the virus, strengthening of the immune system due to vaccination are some of the factors that have neutralized COVID … Read more

If you have kidney-liver problem then be careful, corona can kill

Corona Virus: Kovid has wreaked havoc not only in the country but across the world. Corona cases have been reported in every house. While the Omicron variant was dangerous in many countries, the Delta variant killed thousands of people in India. Due to Kovid, people were forced to be imprisoned in their homes. The central … Read more

Covid: Corona first persecuted, then took vaccine, then these diseases bothered, know

Vaccination after Coronavirus: The cases of Kovid have definitely reduced, but the danger is not averted. People are leading normal life. The main reason behind this is the central government’s vaccination campaign. After getting the vaccine to crores of people of the country, their immune power has become so strong that now the corona virus … Read more

Covid-19 Fourth Wave: ‘Corona vaccine’s power, new variants of Omicron reduce the risk’

The number of people falling prey to COVID-19 is increasing rapidly. Many cases of new variants of Omicron have been reported in other cities including Mumbai, Pune. Mild symptoms have been seen in about 95 percent of the infected and they have not had any chance of being admitted to the hospital. But almost all … Read more