हार्ट अटैक से लेकर खांसी तक की दवा है ये चीज, चीनी की जगह करें इस्तेमाल फिर देखें कमाल

Honey Benefits : हमारे घरों में चीनी का इस्तेमाल खूब होता है. चाय बनाने से लेकर मिठाई बनाने तक में ये मीठी चीज डाली जाती है. गन्ने के रस को रिफाइंड कर शुगर बनाई जाती है. जिसके बाद इसमें सिर्फ सुक्रोज, लैक्टोज और फ्रुक्टोज ही बचता है. ये तीनों ही शरीर के लिए नुकसानदायक होते हैं. … Read more

Fake cough syrup is being found in the market

Cough syrup is the only thing that can give you relief. But some people start drinking any cough syrup from the market on the advice of others without consulting the doctor. But in such a situation, the question arises that whatever cough syrup you are drinking is real or fake, how will it be known? … Read more

Cough coming continuously? Find out from these symptoms that you have chest infection or just cold

Common Cold Symptoms: Viral diseases catch hold quickly in the winter season. Usually a person is first infected with a cold or flu, followed by a chest infection, Chest infection is a respiratory condition that affects the lower respiratory tract and bronchial tubes. Chest infection can also be caused by virus or bacteria. During winters, … Read more

Indian Drugmaker Marion Biotech Halts Manufacture of Cough Syrup

The Central Drug Standards Control Organization (CDSCO) is in contact with Uzbekistan’s national drug regulator regarding the matter. “Immediately upon receipt of the information, UP Drug Control and the CDSCO team conducted a joint inspection of the NOIDA facility of the manufacturer, Marion Biotech, and will initiate further actions as appropriate based on the inspection … Read more

Do you also have this dangerous thing in your cough syrup, if yes! so keep away from children

Cough Syrup Side Effects: The weather is changing, the cold has made its knock, and along with the cold, the winter, Diseases like cold, cough are also taking people under their control. To avoid diseases, people are indiscriminately using all kinds of medicines and cough syrups. But do you know that if an element called … Read more

How Cough Syrups Can Trigger Deaths, Other Health Risks?

Gambia Cough Syrup Death: Cough Syrup Abuse has been a problem for decades. 66 children have died recently The Gambia As has sent chills to Indian drug consumersThe syrup that caused the tragic death of the children was manufactured by a Haryana-based company Maiden Pharmaceuticals. syrup – Promethazine Oral Solution, Cofexmaline Baby Cough Syrup, Macoff … Read more

Market’s cough syrup is proving to be fatal for children, prepare it at home – get a break from cough

Cough syrup for babies: Whenever children have a problem of cough or cold, we bring cough syrup from the market without thinking and give it to them, so that they get immediate relief. Recently a shocking incident has come to light, in which 66 children have died due to cough syrup. Yes, in the West … Read more

4 Indian cough syrups Banned by WHO Contain This Toxic Chemical. Here’s Why Is It Dangerous

Ban on Cough Syrup by Maiden Pharmaceuticals: Soon after the World Health Organization (WHO) banned four Indian-made cough and cold syrups, the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) launched an investigation into the drugs linked to the deaths of 66 children in The Gambia. Manufactured by Haryana-based Maiden Pharmaceuticals Ltd, there are four cough and … Read more