These Indian-Made Cough Syrups Could Cause Acute Kidney Injuries to Your Kid. Full List

New Delhi: After the death of 66 children in the West African nation of The Gambia, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a warning for four “contaminated” Indian-made cough and cold syrups, which are mainly prescribed for pediatric use. “WHO today issued a medical product alert for four contaminated medicines identified in The Gambia that … Read more

Are you worried about dry cough? Make natural cough syrup at home, easy way

Natural Cough Syrup : Almost everyone has a cough with mucus at some point in their life. But do you know how to get dry cough? From acid reflux to allergies, many things can cause a dry cough. At the same time, in some cases, there is no clear reason for dry cough. If you … Read more