Attention Ear phones can affect the hearing ability of 100 crore youth in the world

Ear Problem: Just as eyes are necessary to see and understand nature. In the same way whatever is going on around. Ears are also an important part of the body to hear it. Generally people say that where the eyes do not work, the ears work there. But today’s life style has affected the eyes. … Read more

8-month-old innocent battling rare disease, cost of saving life Rs 16 crore, mother pleaded

SMA Type 1 Disease: Anmay from Sultanpur district of Uttar Pradesh is battling with Spinal Muscular Atropy Type-1 (SMA) disease. Anmay is only 8 months old. Anmay’s father Sumit and mother Ankita are knocking on every door to save their child’s life. Ankita says that she has to pay more attention to Anmay than normal … Read more