Lupin Digital Health releases results of its digital therapeutics study with ACS patients – ET HealthWorld

Chennai: Showing the effectiveness of digital therapies (dtx) among patients with acute coronary syndrome (DHW) and post-percutaneous coronary interventions, Lupine Digital Health (LDH), a DTx platform, has published the results of a study in India. The one-year study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of the LDH digital therapy platform, Lyfe, on cardiovascular events, rehospitalization, medication … Read more

ACS completes mental health hackathon

IT professional association ACS and the Australian Institute of Analytics Professionals have completed a unique hackathon aimed at harnessing data analytics skills to improve mental health services. The ACS Melbourne Docklands Innovation Hub Data Hack event was designed to help mental health charity SANE Australia improve the services it provides to the community. A team … Read more