How does PCOS increase the risk of type 2 diabetes? Women should never ignore this thing

How does PCOS increase the risk of type 2 diabetes? Women should never ignore this thing

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) increases the risk of type 2 diabetes because it often causes insulin resistance. This happens when the body cannot use insulin effectively. PCOS i.e. polycystic ovary syndrome is a serious illness. So far, around 116 million women suffer from it worldwide. According to the WHO report, PCOS is a serious lifestyle … Read more

PCOS Diet: 3 Expert Recommended Dietary Practices to Follow

PCOS Diet: 3 Expert Recommended Dietary Practices to Follow

Home Health PCOS Diet: 3 Expert Recommended Dietary Practices to Follow PCOS comes with various implications, from lifestyle changes to dietary habits. Experts suggest some basic rules for diet intake when PCOS is diagnosed. PCOS diet: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a lifelong health condition that many women endure and have to live with. While … Read more