Every year, many people die painfully from rabies after a dog bite.

Every year, many people die painfully from rabies after a dog bite.

World Rabies Day 2024: Dogs are people-dwelling animals that are both loved and feared. Dog bites cause a deadly disease like rabies, which kills thousands of people every year. World Rabies Day is celebrated every year on September 28 to raise awareness about diseases like rabies. What is rabies? Rabies disease is transmitted by the … Read more

अगर कुत्ता काट ले तो तुरंत क्या करना चाहिए? यहां जानें इलाज का हर तरीका

अगर कुत्ता काट ले तो तुरंत क्या करना चाहिए? यहां जानें इलाज का हर तरीका

Dog Bite Treatment: यूं तो बहुत से घरों में कुत्ते पाले जाते हैं औऱ कुत्ते बहुत ही वफादार भी होते हैं लेकिन पिछले कुछ सालों में देश भर में कुत्तों के हमले के केस बढ़ते ही जा रहे हैं. हाल ही में एक घटना में आवारा कुत्तों ने डेढ़ साल की बच्ची को नोंचकर मार डाला. … Read more

How many people die from dog bites every year? Read full research report

How many people die from dog bites every year?  Read full research report

A video from Hyderabad is going viral, in which it can be seen that a 4-year-old innocent child was mauled to death by stray dogs. This incident is heart wrenching. Whoever saw this video got goosebumps. This is not the first case, when stray dogs have targeted a child. Many such cases have been seen … Read more

Dog Attacks; Dos And Don’ts And How To Remain Safe In Such Situation

Dog Attacks; Dos And Don’ts And How To Remain Safe In Such Situation

Dog attacks: Recently, incidents of dog bites, stray dog ​​attacks, and even attacks by pet dogs injuring people have been reported and, in some cases, videos of such attacks have also surfaced and been shared on social media. Sometimes, purebred pet dogs become so aggressive that they harm their owners/human parents.Also Read – If stray … Read more