Pet Talks: Before adopting a dog, there is confusion about its breed, these tips can be helpful

Pet Talks: Before adopting a dog, there is confusion about its breed, these tips can be helpful

If you want to keep a dog at home, here are some ideas regarding the breed. It is best to keep dogs of these breeds at home. They are also very friendly. Get along very quickly with the family. Let us know what breed of dog you can keep at home. The dog is considered … Read more

This virus can kill pet dogs, take these steps for protection

This virus can kill pet dogs, take these steps for protection

Dog Breeds: Thousands of viruses like corona float in the air. As the person’s immune system becomes weak. These viruses try to attack the body and take them in their grip. But it is not that these viruses attack only on the human body. There are also a large number of viruses that attack the … Read more

Dog Attacks; Dos And Don’ts And How To Remain Safe In Such Situation

Dog Attacks; Dos And Don’ts And How To Remain Safe In Such Situation

Dog attacks: Recently, incidents of dog bites, stray dog ​​attacks, and even attacks by pet dogs injuring people have been reported and, in some cases, videos of such attacks have also surfaced and been shared on social media. Sometimes, purebred pet dogs become so aggressive that they harm their owners/human parents.Also Read – If stray … Read more