There was so much heat in May that even scientists were surprised, they warned and said: this work will have to be done

India experienced a severe heatwave in May 2024, during which maximum and minimum temperatures broke records. In many areas, the temperature remained constantly above 50 degrees Celsius. The temperature in Delhi reached 52 degrees Celsius, which is a new record. This extreme heat has greatly affected people’s lives and the situation has worsened in many … Read more

Alert! Due to the heatwave, pregnant women may face premature labor pains… a child may be born

Right now, it is extremely hot not only in India but in many countries around the world. At present, many people’s lives are in difficulty due to heatwave and heatwave. The elderly, children, pregnant women, everyone is suffering a lot because of the increasing heat and heatwave. The heat reached 45-50 degrees Celsius in some … Read more