Fatty Liver in Children: 6 Early Signs and Symptoms of Liver Problems and How to Prevent it

Home Lifestyle Fatty Liver in Children: 6 Early Signs and Symptoms of Liver Problems and How to Prevent Them Fatty liver has become a growing concern, especially in obese children. If left unchecked, it can lead to inflammation and scarring. What is the fatty liver? The name pretty much says it all. It is a … Read more

Bleeding from the nose, have you become a victim of this serious liver disease?

Fatty Liver Symptoms: Liver is a big part of the digestive system. If there is a slight disturbance in the liver, then the digestive system gets completely disturbed. All the symptoms like lack of appetite, vomiting, nausea, stomach is not clear. One such liver disease is fatty liver. There are two types of fatty liver. … Read more

Not only alcohol, fatty liver also occurs due to these reasons.

Fatty Liver Symptoms: Liver is an important organ of the body. It makes a big contribution to the digestive system. If the problem starts in the liver, then the whole process of digestion gets disturbed. Doctors say that if there is any kind of disturbance in the liver, then it gives a signal. Symptoms like … Read more

4 Digestive Problems That May Indicate Fatty Liver Disease You Need to Know

Fatty Liver Problems: People who are overweight or obese are at a higher risk of NAFLD. The condition progresses slowly and often there are no clear signs to recognize the condition in the early stages. If the condition worsens, it can show up through a variety of gastrointestinal conditions that keep getting worse over time. … Read more

Fatty liver cure tips: Nutritional diet, supplements, lifestyle, fitness tweaks

stay well Health requires the body to undergo regular detoxification and the liver it is crucial to this process where most liver conditions can be avoided. Doctors say that the work-from-home situation and inactivity experienced during lockdown have led to an increase in liver-related disorders and around one member of every family currently suffers from … Read more