Bloating Problem: अगर खाने के बाद आपको भी होती है ब्लोटिंग, तो इन चीजों से रहें दूर मिलेगी राहत

ब्लोटिंग से बचने के लिए कुछ फूड्स से दूर ही रहना चाहिए. इनमें कुछ सब्जियां जैसे फूलगोभी, पत्तागोभी, ब्रोकली शामिल हैं. फलों में सेब से ब्लोटिंग की समस्या हो सकती है और बीन्स से भी ब्लोटिंग की समस्या होती है. खासकर महिलाओं को ब्लोटिंग का समाना करना पड़ता है. Source link

If you are troubled by the problem of flatulence, then exclude this food from the diet today, otherwise it will cause upset stomach.

Stomach Bloating Food: Often there is a problem of bloating due to wrong lifestyle and rapid changes in food habits. The problem of flatulence is said to be the most common problem in upset stomach. In this, gas starts forming in the stomach and the stomach swells due to which the stomach starts struggling with … Read more

Bloating 101: 5 Everyday Foods That Can Make You Feel Full And How To Prevent It

Home Health Bloating 101: 5 Everyday Foods That Can Make You Feel Full And How To Prevent It Bloating is a common problem that we have all suffered from at some point in life. There are some common foods that we might be consuming on a daily basis that are contributing factors to bloating. Here … Read more