Nail Care: Nail blackening or pain in it is a symptom of fungal infection, how to prevent it

Nail Fungus Care: Nail problems are very common. It is most common to have problems, especially in the toe nails. Because almost all of us like to wear open footwear and due to this, the problem of nail pain or infection often occurs. How to avoid such infections and keep feet healthy and beautiful. First … Read more

how to avoid fungal infection in monsoon Health Mantra

Updated : 25 Jul 2022 06:08 PM (IST) The monsoon season brings with it many new problems, one of which is fungal infection. Many people go to the doctor during this season with complaints of fungal infection. But how is fungal infection, where can fungal infection occur on the body and how to avoid it, … Read more

There may be a problem of fungal infection in the rainy season, avoid these ways

Fungal Infection: There may be a problem of fungal infection in the rainy season, prevent it with these methods. Source link

What Are The Causes, Causes And Treatment Of Fungal Infection In Men -GoMedii

Mostly it is believed that infection occurs only in the private part of women, whereas it is not so that fungal infection also occurs in the private part of men. Fungal infection occurs where cleanliness is not maintained and it causes disease. That is why it is important that you keep your private part clean. … Read more