जानिए G20 के Menu में क्यों छा गया ऋषि अन्न, इसके फायदे जान लेंगे तो आप भी रोज खाए

Rishi Anna Benefits: भारत में हाल ही में संपन्न हुई जी 20 (G 20)की समिट में विदेशों से आए हजारों मेहमानों ने भारत के तरह तरह के भोजन का लुत्फ उठाया. इसमें सबसे ज्यादा चर्चा का विषय रहा मिलेट्स और ऋषि अन्न (Rishi anna). मिलेट्स यानी मोटा या साबुत अनाज सेहत के लिए काफी महत्वपूर्ण … Read more

India’s Three Key Health Priorities for Global Infrastructure Revealed

She said this in a video while expressing her gratitude to India for recognizing and prioritizing health under its G20 presidency. The WHO Regional Director said, “The first is digital health, the future of health. India’s G20 presidency focuses on consolidating the existing digital health initiatives and fostering equity in health care by amplifying efforts … Read more

MoHFW, WHO South-East Asia Regional office organising global conference on digital health – ET HealthWorld

New Delhi: Taking advantage of the Indian presidency of the G20 and the prolific actions and commitments of previous presidencies, the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and the WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia they are organizing two days world conference in digital health – ‘Taking Universal Health Coverage to the last citizen’ … Read more

Eye on the future at Lucknow G20 meet: Cataract care via WhatsApp – ET HealthWorld

luck now: Logistics.AIa Artificial intelligence (AI) enabled healthcare platform has developed a system based on AI and Whatsapp that will help to detect eye diseaseslike Cataract. This new technological modality was recently shown at the exhibition held at the G20 summit in Lucknow of Uttar Pradesh. Priyaranjit Ghosh, co-founder of this startup, said that people … Read more