Mosaic details mental health efforts

MARYVILLE, Mo. — For the past two years, the St. Francis Foundation, Mosaic Medical Center, Maryville’s fundraising organization, has dedicated its annual fundraising gala to expanding mental health resources. During the first meeting of the Northwest Missouri Cooperative Mental Health Board last week, MMC-M officials spoke with the board about how they are using the … Read more

Sukhbir’s shift as a mental health nurse started like any other, but soon took a frightening turn

Sukhbir Seehra’s day at work as a mental health nurse in the psychiatric emergency room at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH) started like any other. But it descended into chaos when a patient disagreed with a doctor’s decision. “The doctor told him, ‘You will be discharged,’” Seehra said. “Obviously, he didn’t like the … Read more